Monday, September 27, 2010



Intro. To Prophetic Ministry
(Embracing the Prophetic Movement for Such a Time)
Course Syllabus


Course: Intro. To Prophetic Ministry

Course Description: This cutting-edge class offers sound doctrine and discipline in the area of the "Prophetic." This class will bring definition and clarity to a very misunderstood field and genre; additionally, the prophetic indoctrination will establish a word/Bible foundation from which to "flow" in the "prophetic anointing." This class is designed for beginners and those inclined in the prophetic anointing." This class is designed for beginners and those inclined in the prophetic ministry as well as those inquisitive and intriqued by this field of ministry operation.

Pre-requisite:  Regarding the prospect of the "school of prophets" which is still under construction and deliberation, this class is a "must take" for enrollment.

Intro. To Prophetic Ministry Class

Distinguishing: Prophets,Prophetic,Prophecy
Reading Assignments
Prophetic Collage
Samuel's Principles
End-Time Prophets
Introductory Principles-Hermeneutics


The Dynamics of the End Time:

Laying on of Hands (normal believe)
Understanding the Realms
The Corporate Anointing (Corporate Demonstrations)
Commanding (Speaking things into manifestation)
Personal & Corporate Prophetic Words
Walking the Isles-Bringing Demonstration
Prophetic Songs (Destiny, Purpose, End Time New Breed, Caleb's Company, Ect.)
Prophetic Music
Specialized Impartation
"A Potent Man Impregnating Others with Destiny/Purpose Seeds."
A New Breed of Christians & Leaders
Fresh Blood, New Blood Evangelism
Empowerment: Power being invoked in the lives of others
Invigoration: Invoking courage, tenacity, intestinal fortitude in the lives of believers.
End Time Education via books, tapes videos, literature, teaching conferences, ect. (Proliferation of books)
Teaching & Training: Experimental - Experiential
Educating & Effecting: Info-Empowerment-To Mark Others
Assembling & Arranging: Bring together for purpose - positioning
Mobilizing & Moving: Deployment - Signs/Demonstrations
Prophetic dreams & visions
Supernatural Provision
End Time Healing Rooms
Apostolic Declarations & Decrees
Commanding the Realms to open and comply
Starting an Uprising - Revolution - Riot for Purpose
Affinity to Holiness
Apostolic President (more Apostles & Pastors)

Primary                  Secondary

1950's Pastor        Evangelist          Apostle-Measuring Rod
1960's Evangelist  Pastor                Prophet-Points the Way
1970's Teacher      Pastor                Evangelist-Stretches Out
1980's Prophets    Teachers            Pastor/Teacher-Binds/Unites
1990's Apostles     Prophets          

Prophetic Connection
Net a Revival - A fresh move of God (Isaiah 43:18)
Unorthodox Congregational to Minister Scenarios - People standing inspired of sitting for hours.
A Greater Reverence for the Presence of God - The Anointing
Activation (The power to get things in motion)
Flowing (The Modus Operandus MO for the End Time)
Prophetic Giving (Inspired via the Prophetic)
End Time Financiers
End Time Cornelius'

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Introductory Course Description
(Module One)

Psychology I
Schools of Psychology
Christian Psychology Doctrine
Biblical Counseling Vocation I
Practicum I
Thesis I
Pastoral Counseling
Practical Application I
Doctrine of Character
Word Image Theology I
Soulvation I
Grow in Grace (New Breed)
Intro predispose/proclivity/Iniquity
Theology of Iniquity

Bishop Joel McLeod teaching @ Next Dimension College

Who's Counseling You
7th Fold : Biblical Counselor
Grows In Grace II
Word Images II
Practical Application II
Doctrine of Accountability
Messiah Complex
Divine vs. Divination
Soulvation II
Pigs in a parlor
Battleground of The Mind
Soul ties/Generational Curses I
Authority of the Believers I
Yoke Destroying Ancestry I

Bishop Joel McLeod "Aggression the Vision of Destiny" Teaching"

Advance Cource Descriptions
(Module Three)

Spirit of Dysfunctionality
Origin Of Mental Illness
Biblical Counseling Vocation II
Thesis and Practicum
Grow in Grace III
Word Image III
Soulvation III
Soul ties/Generational Curses II
Authority of Believer II
Yoke Destroying Anointing II
Biblical Counseling Clinic
Certification Pathway

School of Biblical Counseling
is designed to qualify graduate students with and End-Time approach to addressing the mild,moderate, and advanced cases in "soul-ties," generational curses, uncontrollable habits and dishonorable behavior patterns; This graduate program also educates its candidates to effectively provide biblical counseling in marriage,children and other strategic fields of concern.

The School of Biblical Counseling is preparing future leaders to counsel and affect change in the lives of its constituents in a "next dimension" methodology.

1888. 206. 4344
3270 Inland Empire Blve.,
Ontario,CA 91764

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Davidic School of Sacred Music

Introductory Course Description
(Module One)

Understanding Music 101
Music History
Genre Id
Genre II
Genre III
The Prophetic Sound
Sacred Music
Levitical Priesthood
Sanctification and "Musicology"
Music Application
Office of the Psalmist

Intermediate Course Description
(Module Two)

Psaltery, Tabret, Pipe and Harp Assign/LE/Doc.
21st century Genre
Divine vs. Divination II
Skill-Set/ Anointing Complex
Temple Worship I
Priesthood of the Musician I
Prophetic Pastor/Psalmist Dynamic
The 6th Fold (The Psalmist)
Davidic Preparation
Davidic Anointing
Davidic Life I
Voice and Choir II

Sacred Music
Next Dimension Bible College & Schools of Ministry
Davidic School Music Seminary

Advance Course Description
(Module Three)

Music Practicum I
End-time Sound
Davidic Life II
The Voice,Sound,Trump
Priesthood Flow
Song Writing for End-Time
Music Application (Advance)
Skill set I (keyboard)
Skill set II (percussion)
Skill III (string instruments)
Skill IV (flute instruments)
Voice Choir III
Practicum and Thesis

David School of Sacred Music is design to qualify music candidates with a strategic balance of sacred music theory and music procticum..Next Dimension Bible College is committed to providing its alumni with the cutting edge information and end-time prophetic appeal. The End-Time approach to gospel music,hymns, and spiritual songs have taken on a Next Dimension genre.

3270 Inland Empire Blvd.,
Ontario, CA 91764


Next Dimension Bible College Blog

Preview of Next Dimension Bible College Commencement.

Next Dimension Bible College graduates recieve degrees in all areas of God's ministry.

Introductory Course Description (Module One)
Doctrine of Helps
Non-Charismatic grace gifts
Theology of helps
Theology of Armor Bearing I
End-Time Prophetic Helpers
Ushers or Prophets on the Walls
Follow and Catch (principles)
Doctrine of Governments
Assistant Pastor and Helps
Administrator and Helps
Leadership and Helps
Clerigical Ministry vs. Ministry of Helps

Intermediate Course Description
(Module Two)
Divine orders and Helps
Theology of Hospitality and Hosting
Martha/Mary Complex
Theology of Armor Bearer II
Pit falls - No Helps
Sin of Familiarity
The "Seymour" Dilemma
Witch-craft in the Church
Understanding Spiritual Authority I
Obey Better Sacrifice
Doctrine of Honor I

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Next Dimension Bible College Preview Program

Next Dimension Bible College is proud to offer to aspiring ministry gifts, the "Clergymen" program: this curriculum was designed for ministers and aspiring ministers, pastors and other "fivefold" ministry gifts to be adequately equipped for the "call of God" upon their lives.

Next Dimension Seminary and School of Ministry will put you on the fast track to completing your M.Div (Master of Divinity) and D. Min (Doctor of Ministry) in a two year stretch - talking into account your ministry and life experience profile, and your ability to matriculate.

Next Dimension Seminary is offered to prepare ministers for excellent "End-Time" ministry representation. Dont be denied this opportunity to advance your ministry. Get in Seminary!

See chancellor or dean of seminary for assessment and admissions

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some graduates from


To our future leaders, our globetrotters, and world changers - to those destined to impact the church in the 21st century, best wishes and regards as you launch into your future destny. The wait is over! The worst is over, and the best is yet to come! It was all worth the hard work, the late hours and "all nighters". In the end, the rewards outweigh tthe sacrifices.

As chancellor, I want to commend you for your peak performances and extra ordinary achievements. Society, the country, and world await your polished and professional ministry profile. The world would be better off because you have graced it and impacted it like no other and now an awesomme task is set before you. A mandate to well represent Christendom. You must bridge the gap of the last few decades of supernatural inactivity. It is time to go beyond the "miracle substitute" (sanctuaries with waterfalls down th center and decorum resembling something out of Solomon's temple). The real miracles are  within your grasp - it rests on your shoulders - the new breed in Christ - anointeed, word sound, and theologically equipped.

Disembark, now! Go to the uncharted territories. Blaze new trails! "Pioneer New Grounds!" Bring newness to the mundane state of affairs! - A "new thing" sall you do in the earth (Isaiah 43:19). Therefore, take the tools of formal training, affect change, and alter destinies in this 21st century arena. There is "a people" that await the "real McCoy" - Don't disappoint! Seized destiny! Champion the cause. Be deployed to the uttermost regions of the world. Destiny is calling you, and you mut respond; and your response must be "Yea, Yea and Amen!
The chancellor, faculty, and staff of Next Dimension Bible College extend a heartfelt comendation to the graduating class of 2010. Congratulations on such a major life achievement!

Sanctify yourself; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you" (Joshus 3:5). Fulfill your purpose--Reach your Destiny--Maximize the potential of greatness that lies within.
Doing our best to educat a new breed,

Bishop Joel McLeod, Ph.D.