Friday, September 17, 2010


To our future leaders, our globetrotters, and world changers - to those destined to impact the church in the 21st century, best wishes and regards as you launch into your future destny. The wait is over! The worst is over, and the best is yet to come! It was all worth the hard work, the late hours and "all nighters". In the end, the rewards outweigh tthe sacrifices.

As chancellor, I want to commend you for your peak performances and extra ordinary achievements. Society, the country, and world await your polished and professional ministry profile. The world would be better off because you have graced it and impacted it like no other and now an awesomme task is set before you. A mandate to well represent Christendom. You must bridge the gap of the last few decades of supernatural inactivity. It is time to go beyond the "miracle substitute" (sanctuaries with waterfalls down th center and decorum resembling something out of Solomon's temple). The real miracles are  within your grasp - it rests on your shoulders - the new breed in Christ - anointeed, word sound, and theologically equipped.

Disembark, now! Go to the uncharted territories. Blaze new trails! "Pioneer New Grounds!" Bring newness to the mundane state of affairs! - A "new thing" sall you do in the earth (Isaiah 43:19). Therefore, take the tools of formal training, affect change, and alter destinies in this 21st century arena. There is "a people" that await the "real McCoy" - Don't disappoint! Seized destiny! Champion the cause. Be deployed to the uttermost regions of the world. Destiny is calling you, and you mut respond; and your response must be "Yea, Yea and Amen!
The chancellor, faculty, and staff of Next Dimension Bible College extend a heartfelt comendation to the graduating class of 2010. Congratulations on such a major life achievement!

Sanctify yourself; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you" (Joshus 3:5). Fulfill your purpose--Reach your Destiny--Maximize the potential of greatness that lies within.
Doing our best to educat a new breed,

Bishop Joel McLeod, Ph.D.

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