Intro. To Prophetic Ministry
(Embracing the Prophetic Movement for Such a Time)
Course Syllabus
Course: Intro. To Prophetic Ministry
Course Description: This cutting-edge class offers sound doctrine and discipline in the area of the "Prophetic." This class will bring definition and clarity to a very misunderstood field and genre; additionally, the prophetic indoctrination will establish a word/Bible foundation from which to "flow" in the "prophetic anointing." This class is designed for beginners and those inclined in the prophetic anointing." This class is designed for beginners and those inclined in the prophetic ministry as well as those inquisitive and intriqued by this field of ministry operation.
Pre-requisite: Regarding the prospect of the "school of prophets" which is still under construction and deliberation, this class is a "must take" for enrollment.
Intro. To Prophetic Ministry Class
Distinguishing: Prophets,Prophetic,Prophecy
Reading Assignments
Prophetic Collage
Samuel's Principles
End-Time Prophets
Introductory Principles-Hermeneutics
The Dynamics of the End Time:
Laying on of Hands (normal believe)
Understanding the Realms
The Corporate Anointing (Corporate Demonstrations)
Commanding (Speaking things into manifestation)
Personal & Corporate Prophetic Words
Walking the Isles-Bringing Demonstration
Prophetic Songs (Destiny, Purpose, End Time New Breed, Caleb's Company, Ect.)
Prophetic Music
Specialized Impartation
"A Potent Man Impregnating Others with Destiny/Purpose Seeds."
A New Breed of Christians & Leaders
Fresh Blood, New Blood Evangelism
Empowerment: Power being invoked in the lives of others
Invigoration: Invoking courage, tenacity, intestinal fortitude in the lives of believers.
End Time Education via books, tapes videos, literature, teaching conferences, ect. (Proliferation of books)
Teaching & Training: Experimental - Experiential
Educating & Effecting: Info-Empowerment-To Mark Others
Assembling & Arranging: Bring together for purpose - positioning
Mobilizing & Moving: Deployment - Signs/Demonstrations
Prophetic dreams & visions
Supernatural Provision
End Time Healing Rooms
Apostolic Declarations & Decrees
Commanding the Realms to open and comply
Starting an Uprising - Revolution - Riot for Purpose
Affinity to Holiness
Apostolic President (more Apostles & Pastors)
Primary Secondary
1950's Pastor Evangelist Apostle-Measuring Rod
1960's Evangelist Pastor Prophet-Points the Way
1970's Teacher Pastor Evangelist-Stretches Out
1980's Prophets Teachers Pastor/Teacher-Binds/Unites
1990's Apostles Prophets
Prophetic Connection
Net a Revival - A fresh move of God (Isaiah 43:18)
Unorthodox Congregational to Minister Scenarios - People standing inspired of sitting for hours.
A Greater Reverence for the Presence of God - The Anointing
Activation (The power to get things in motion)
Flowing (The Modus Operandus MO for the End Time)
Prophetic Giving (Inspired via the Prophetic)
End Time Financiers
End Time Cornelius'
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