Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Next Dimension Bible College Blog

Preview of Next Dimension Bible College Commencement.

Next Dimension Bible College graduates recieve degrees in all areas of God's ministry.

Introductory Course Description (Module One)
Doctrine of Helps
Non-Charismatic grace gifts
Theology of helps
Theology of Armor Bearing I
End-Time Prophetic Helpers
Ushers or Prophets on the Walls
Follow and Catch (principles)
Doctrine of Governments
Assistant Pastor and Helps
Administrator and Helps
Leadership and Helps
Clerigical Ministry vs. Ministry of Helps

Intermediate Course Description
(Module Two)
Divine orders and Helps
Theology of Hospitality and Hosting
Martha/Mary Complex
Theology of Armor Bearer II
Pit falls - No Helps
Sin of Familiarity
The "Seymour" Dilemma
Witch-craft in the Church
Understanding Spiritual Authority I
Obey Better Sacrifice
Doctrine of Honor I

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